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"2010 GAMES EVENT #5"

7 Rounds of:

3 Power Cleans… 205/135 pounds

4 HSPU's

For Time

(Mikko Salo 7th place on this WOD 6:04… 1st was 4:26)

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7.19.10 CF Games Event #5 

Strength:  Back Squat (work up to 80% of max and complete max reps)

Skill:  Pistols (single leg squats)- use a band for supports and work complete range of motion 

*For those of you who tuned into the 2010 CrossFit Games- Lesson learned, its not about who can lift the most weight or run the furthest the fastest. Its about who is consistent across broad time and modal domains. Whatever, whenever, however and whyever… just do it fast.

Also, after this weekend I believe we as affiliates in CrossFit as a community have put too much emphasis on weightlifting and not enough emphasis in gymnastics or controlling our own bodyweight through gravity. Consider it a preview of what is to come in our own future programming. We will definately see more gymnastics to balance out our weightlifting.

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