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First Challenge, find someone who can stand you long enough to finish this WOD with you (good luck John A!). Second, take your partner, a 20/14 pound med ball and an AbMat outside. Now, between you and your partner complete 300 Wall Balls and 300 sit ups!  Partner A will start on the Wall Balls while Partner B runs 200m.  When Partner B returns from the run they will begin Wall Balls and Partner A will run 200m. This will continue until the team has reached 300 reps for WB's, then repeat the process for Sit Ups.  Time stops when the team has completed its last of the 300 Sit Ups.  Only one person can do the exercise at a time.  Have at it!

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6.9.10 Partner Up 

Skill:  Squat Snatches and Snatch Balance