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20min AMRAP of:

9…7…5 of:

Snatch…145/85 pounds



15…10…5 of:

KB Swings…70/53 pounds



21…15…9 of:

Thruster…95/65 pounds

Pull Ups

For Total Reps


Post load and reps to comments

James Fordyce is the nephew of one of the most motivating and inspirational people I have ever come accross. Today is the 8 year anniversary of James Fordyce loosing his life to make the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. When you come to class to do this workout, please be patient as we try to run everyone through it. Most of all, welcome that uneasy nervous feeling we all get right before the workout. When you hear the word "Go", don't hold back, go as hard as you can until you can't go any further. Just for today, when you finally get to that point when it feels like your body is about to give way and you are unsure if you can possibly continue on… remember those who cannot be with us today because they gave the ultimate gift. Remember them and remember that your still alive, your heart still beats in your chest and as long as it does… NEVER GIVE UP

Thank you James Fordyce

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